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Stain Guide


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  • Some stains can be permanently set by heat so make sure they’re gone before washing/drying at hot temperatures.
  • Remove offending food/ liquid quickly.
  • Blot up excess with paper towel.
  • Apply full strength Eucalan to spot - Let sit 15-30 minutes.
  • Rub gently with a soft clean toothbrush while rinsing with water.
  • Apply more Eucalan if necessary and let sit longer.
  • Launder as usual.


If you are away from home, use Eucalan Wipes – gently rub spot to help prevent stain from setting. Treat properly and launder as usual when you get home.

Mustard / Ketchup / BBQSauce:

  • Rinse with cool water asap
  • Treat with full strength Eucalan.
  • Sit 15 minutes.
  • Rinse well, scrubbing gently.
  • Repeat if necessary.
  • Launder as usual.

Berries / Fruits / Juices:

  • Act quickly!
  • Place stained area over bowl and pour boiling water through from opposite side of material until stain disappears.
  • Use caution on wool.
  • Launder as usual.

Red Wine: 

  • Cover with salt as much as needed to absorb wine. Vacuum up the salt (for carpet or furniture) or shake it off if it’s a garment or linen.
  • Pour club soda over to help dilute the remaining wine.
  • Apply full strength Eucalan to any mark and let sit 15 minutes.
  • Launder as usual.

Oils / Butter: 

  • Blot with paper towel right away.
  • Sprinkle with baking soda or cornstarch on the remaining mark and let sit.
  • In morning apply full strength Eucalan to spot and let sit 15 minutes.
  • Launder as usual.

Coffee / Tea:

  • Treat immediately!
  • Blot with paper towel.
  • Apply full strength Eucalan and leave it to sit at least 30 minutes.
  • Rub gently if required.
  • Launder as usual.


  • If possible, flush with warm water from the opposite side of the garment to prevent the chocolate from settling deeper into the fibres.
  • Saturate mark with full strength Eucalan and let sit for 30 mins.
  • Gently scrub spot and repeat if necessary.
  • Launder as usual.


  • Blot with paper towel.
  • Flush with cold water from the opposite side of the fabric and soak for a while.
  • Launder as usual.


  • Soak in cold water.
  • Apply full strength Eucalan to the affected area and let it sit for 30 minutes.
  • Gently scrub.
  • Repeat if necessary.
  • Launder as usual.
  • If desired, garment may be placed in the sun to naturally bleach (do not put wool in the sun). Use caution as the sun can also cause the colours to fade.

Grass / Dirt / Mud:

  • Immediately soak in cold water.
  • Apply full strength Eucalan to affected area and let it sit for 30 minutes.
  • Gently scrub.
  • Repeat if necessary.
  • Launder as usual.

Wax / Polish:

  • Allow to dry completely – don’t wipe away liquid wax.
  • Apply ice pack to freeze wax fully.
  • Once frozen, scrape away excess with a butter knife.
  • Place a paper bag underneath and on top of the stain.
  • Iron the area, repeatedly moving the bag so you don’t accidentally retransfer the wax back onto the material.
  • Launder as usual.


  • Hairspray usually does the trick here.
    • Spray the spot directly with hairspray and allow it to sit for a few minutes.
    • Rinse it under cool water at that time to see the progress and then reapply if necessary.
    • Launder as usual.
  • You can also use full-strength Eucalan on the spot, allow it to sit for 15 minutes, and then gently rub the spot while rinsing with water. 

Paint - Water based:

  • Use full strength Eucalan on the spot.
  • Launder as usual.

Paint - Oil based:

  • Use paint remover on the spot.
  • Treat with full strength Eucalan and allow to sit 15-30 minutes.
  • Rinse and gently scrub.
  • Repeat if necessary.
  • Launder as usual.

Nail polish:

  • Use a Q-tip saturated with acetone remover to gently release the colour.
  • Replace the Q-tip regularly so you don’t transfer any colour back on to garment.
  • Use caution as acetone may ruin synthetic materials.
  • Launder as usual after polish is gone.