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Suggested Scent: Grapefruit, Unscented

Cleaning Instructions For:

Eucalan proves to be a hero when it comes to removing make-up from cottons, linens, and costumes.

Tip: If possible, deal with stains while they are still fresh. Use stain towelette for severe cases.

  • Place paper towel underneath fabric.
  • Blot stain with paper towel to remove excess make-up.
  • Apply Eucalan full-strength to the stain and blot with clean paper towel. Do this several times.
  • Once saturated, rinse stain with tepid water (not hot!). Most of the colour should be gone by this point.
  • Apply Eucalan again. Work it in to fabric. Rinse.

Make-up brushes should be cleaned weekly to remove excess make-up, body oils and dead skin. This prevents bacteria and breakouts. 

  • Wet bristles with water.
  • Add a drop of full-strength Eucalan to bristles. Massage through with fingers in the direction the bristles are placed (from base to tip).
  • Rinse well.
  • Gently squeeze excess water out of bristles by placing brush on a clean absorbent towel, wrap towel over bristles and press the towel down onto the bristles. Do not rub, simply press down. Do this several times.
  • Lay brushes on towel until fully dry.
    • Note: Do not stand brushes on bristles or on ends as this will ruin your brush.
  • If using a textured silicone cleaning mat, use caution and don’t scrub too vigorously.